Environmental Sustainability at The Aquadome

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A sustainable focus turnkey solution has de-risked the energy supply for The Aquadome. Our facility is well-prepared for energy market volatility and is already seeing reduced OPEX even as energy prices rise!

A suite of control system and plant equipment upgrades has seen a council-operated facility in Adelaide’s Northern suburbs cut operational costs amidst the increasing utility
rates of gas and electricity. Despite heading into the most energy-intensive time of year for heating swimming pools and large airy spaces, the City of Playford, under the management of BlueFit, continue to see savings in their utility bills.

This achievement can be credited to the adoption of an active fuel-switching and automated control system provided by Sustainable Focus. Taking charge of their energy consumption, the Energy Management System now operates the centre on a fuel cost and efficiency basis which takes into account the live and predicted costs of gas and electricity, onsite solar generation, and the calculated performance efficiencies of the various types of plant equipment on site, to result in data-driven decisions for fuel source selection.

The integration of Sustainable Focus’ advanced demand management controls into this complex energy system acts to further reduce the growing retailer and network energy
costs, as well as decrease the emissions associated with energy production. The site electricity consumption will be reduced by 30% and the gas consumption by 60%. This has resulted in an OPEX reduction of $250,000 per year. The project payback is 3 to 4 years.

If you want to get ahead of the utility price hikes and de-risk the operation of your business, then reach out to us to arrange a consultation and demonstration at our Energy Management Centre now.


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Day Time
Monday - Thursday
5:30am- 8pm (summer hours)
7:00am – 5:00pm
9:00am – 5:00pm
Public Holiday
10:00am – 4:00pm
The Gym
Open 24/7

We apologise for the inconvenience however Swim School, Body Step and Yoga Fusion classes have been cancelled for Thursday 19th of December.