SA Re-Open Update

November eNews Headers (41)
Dear Members and Guest
The past few weeks have been interesting for us all. As you all would now know the Aquadome was forced to close due to industry-wide COVID restrictions at Midnight on Monday 16 November. You may also now understand that the Aquadome also experienced a confirmed COVID case visiting the facility on Saturday 14 November between 11:00am – 1.30pm. This visit resulted in SA Health requesting contact tracing details for the entire facility for that day. This tracing resulted in 1005 people being asked to self isolate given that they were considered ‘close contacts’. Of these 1005 people, 43 of these people are Aquadome staff members. The pleasing outcome from this issue is that 10 days later, not a single transmitted case has been recorded at the Aquadome. This is a testament to the COVID safe plan that the team at BlueFit has implemented, upheld and enforced. On behalf of everyone at BlueFit, I extend my thoughts to everyone who has had their life disrupted over the past fortnight and we look forward to seeing you all back at the Aquadome sooner than later.
Below are a few things that you might like to know:
  • Effective of Midnight Saturday, November 21st the Health Club Centre was reopened after the lifting of the SA Government restrictions.
  • Membership or swim school payments due on Friday 20 November were not debited. This means 2 weeks free for those using the Health Club.
  • Prior to Saturday 14 November, The Aquadome have had 5 COVID safe audits conducted by SAPOL without a single breach.
  • Despite members and guests being in ‘close contact’ with a COVID positive case for 2.5 hours on Saturday 14 November, no individual has tested positive as a result of being at the Aquadome. A testament to BlueFits COVID safe plan and the team who enforces it.
  • BlueFit continues its commitment to maintaining a COVID-Safe environment. We will continue to ensure that our members and guests’ safety is our number one priority.
  • In line with the comments from Premier Marshal during his press conference on November 24, we have hope that our pools will reopen on December 1. This will include the resumption of Swim School.
We look forward to welcoming everyone back to the Aquadome sooner than later.
Joel Perricone
Aquadome Facility Manager

What's on


No upcoming events for today



Day Time
Monday - Thursday
5:30am- 8pm (summer hours)
7:00am – 5:00pm
9:00am – 5:00pm
Public Holiday
10:00am – 4:00pm
The Gym
Open 24/7

We apologise for the inconvenience however Swim School, Body Step and Yoga Fusion classes have been cancelled for Thursday 19th of December.