The entire aquatic area, including spa and sauna will be closed from 12 pm Saturday September 21st due to the annual swimming carnival for The Playford Aquatic Club. (More details)

Swim Laps For Life

When you take the Laps for Life challenge, you will do good for yourself, and you’ll save lives. By championing Laps for Life in 2021, you will join thousands of amazing people across Australia as we work together to support young people experiencing mental health difficulties.

Last year, 461 young people across Australia took their own lives. Together, we can continue to work to change that.

Whether you’re new to the water or a competitive swimmer, get involved in any way that suits you. Swim ANYWHERE you like. You can swim laps at your local pool, hit the beach or take part in an ocean swim! Swim AS FAR as you can. Set a goal that suits you, and use our handy lap calculator to decide how many sessions you’ll need.

Swim WHENEVER it suits you. You don’t need to swim every day, just pick the days and times that suit your lifestyle. Swim WHATEVER style you want Whether its freestyle, backstroke, butterfly or doggy-paddle, just get swimming! Laps for Life takes place from 1–31 March, and you can swim at any time throughout the month.

We would love for our BlueFit customers to be involved and remember you can get behind the challenge as teams, or as individuals.

If this sounds like a great way to start 2021, you can sign up here, and get involved this March.
