The entire aquatic area, including spa and sauna will be closed from 12 pm Saturday September 21st due to the annual swimming carnival for The Playford Aquatic Club. (More details)



By Line: Find out more about the lucky member who won a brand new Toyota Yaris.

During the month of February, the BlueFit Health Club ran an incredible offer ‘Buy 6 Months, Get 6 Months Free And Go in the Draw To Win A Brand New Toyota Yaris!’. Members were also rewarded with the opportunity to also go into the draw when they referred a friend.

We would like to thank all of our members who participated and welcome those new members to the BlueFit community.

This year we are very excited to announce that the winner is Theo!

I never win anything!” were some of the first words we heard from this humbled winner. Straight away we knew that we just had to sit down with Theo and hear more about his undeniable goodluck.

The moment Theo heard the good news…

“I was with my parents at the time and we told them, and they were over the moon, they were wrapped. They were just like “it’s positive, it’s good news..finally some good news”. It was actually my parents birthday when they called me. My mum and dads birthday is actually the same day. They live in the country and we don’t go up there that often. 

It was a nice day, and they live in Castlemaine. So we drove up an hour just to visit them. We were sitting outside, at the back of their house just having dinner and about to do the cake. And that’s when I went and checked my phone, because it was on charge. I had a couple of missed calls, saying “Can you please call BlueFit Health Club about your membership?”. 

My first thought was ‘I paid for everything upfront, what could be wrong with it’.

It felt strange. Honestly excited, but yeah it was very unexpected so it was sort of like a phone call on a Friday evening and I was a little bit shocked. Definitely surprised but it was a welcomed surprise, and yeah a surreal feeling. I still remember thinking ‘Do people win these things? Is it true?’.“


More about Theo’s experience at BlueFit Health Club so far…

“Really good, really positive! The gym has been great. It’s been a bit of a blessing for me, for going I feel a lot better. I didn’t join up to do any of the classes but I have been. I really enjoy doing them, just the social aspect.

There’s quite a few older people, which I wasn’t expecting. Because you hear about the gym and you don’t think about that, but obviously it’s a leisure centre at the same time. But I’ve loved it. I’ve loved seeing older people being so fit and healthy, it’s inspired me, and has made me more motivated. I was struggling the first day, when I was seeing these older people just belting out their circuits and stuff and it’s amazing. And I love that there are still some young people there too. It’s just a real mix. I love it! My daughter has a disability and just seeing even that included, it’s just really cool.”

Theo’s advice to others considering joining a gym…

“I know how much of a difference I feel over the past month, just from eating cleaner and going to the gym. Which has been such a blessing because I wasn’t expecting it. I was sort of hoping for it, but I wasn’t expecting it. But after probably 2 or 3 weeks, I was already more energised, feeling better, definitely sleeping better.

When I see people who I feel might be overweight, drinking or smoking, I kind of look at them and go ‘I kind of wish you could feel how I feel right now’. Which is kind of strange.

My only advice would be if you are thinking about doing it, do it rather than thinking about it!”

The team at BlueFit would like to congratulate Theo!
