The entire aquatic area, including spa and sauna will be closed from 12 pm Saturday September 21st due to the annual swimming carnival for The Playford Aquatic Club. (More details)

The Creche Re-opens!

The creche resumed services as of Monday 29th June with some COVID safe amendments.

Amended Creche Opening Hours:
Monday – Friday
Session 1: 8:30am – 10:15am
Session 2: 10:15am – 11:20am

  • Children must be booked into the session and may book one session only.
  • Bookings can be done 5 days in advance via phone at 8287 8800 or while in the centre.
  • Strict cancellation policy applies (min. of 2 hours notice), and you are encouraged to utilise the waiting list. Failure to cancel may result in the booking being reduced to 2 days in advance or as discussed on a case by case basis.
  • To accommodate COVID requirements spaces will be reduced to 19 children per session.
  • As always strict health and hygiene policies remain in place for the creche service. Any child or parent showing signs of being unwell will be required to leave the service until well.
  • Children who have been provided panadol or fever relief medication will be unable to attend the service.
  • Nappy changing services will not be available. Please ensure the children are dropped off in a clean nappy prior to arriving at the centre.
  • Please assist your child to sanitise their hands on entry and exit. The bathroom is available with soap and water if you would prefer to not use hand sanitiser.